L. Scott Lissner
ADA Coordinator
L. Scott Lissner has served as the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator and 504 Compliance Officer for The Ohio State University since January of 2000. Housed under the Provost in the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, Scott is an Associate of the John Glenn School of Public Policy and serves as a lecturer for the Moritz College of Law, the Knowlton School of Architecture and Disability Studies. His teaching and public service informs his work as the university’s disability compliance officer; energizes his role in creating seamless access to all of the university’s programs, services, employment opportunities and facilities; and guides his efforts as a catalyst for disability related initiatives. Engaged in community and professional service, Scott is President of the Association on Higher Education And Disability and serves on the Board of Directors for ADA-OHIO, the Center for Disability Empowerment, and the Editorial Board for Thompson’s 504 Compliance Manual. Scott has been appointed to the Columbus Advisory Committee on Disability Issues, Ohio’s Help America Vote Act committee and the Ohio Governor’s Council for People with Disabilities. He publishes, presents, and consults frequently on disability issues. Recent presentations include a technical assistance tour to Indonesia sponsored by the Department of State, sessions at the Association on Higher Education And Disability, the National Association of College and University Attorneys, The Ohio Attorney General’s Office, and a U.S. State Department Technical Assistance Program in Indonesia. Recent publications include “The Impact of the ADAAA of 2008 on Higher Education” Thompsons Publications; “Universal Design in the Institutional Setting: Weaving a Philosophy into Campus Planning” in Universal Design: From Accessibility to Zoning (J. Cowley-Evans & J. Nasser (Eds.) and “From Legal Principle to Informed Practice” with J. E. Jarrow.
Previously, Scott has managed support programs and worked as a direct service provider at Longwood University, Adelphi University and New York Institute of Technology. Scott has a Bachelor Degrees in Economics and Psychology from Rutgers University, a Masters in Counseling from City University of New York’s Hunter College, and engaged in doctoral studies and research in cognitive psychology at Adelphi University and Educational Policy at the University of Virginia (ABD).