Fast Facts

About Fast Facts

The following publications were produced by The Ohio State University Partnership Grant, which was funded by the US Department of Education grant #P333A990046. They have been revised and updated as of August 2019. 

Writing in the University

The abilities to read and listen with comprehension and critical acuity are requisite to the gaining of knowledge in a university setting. Many students, however, may often experience difficulties with writing that are not caused by a lack of understanding or critical ability. Learn more about challenges and best practices for developing writing assignments.

Teaching Students with Sensory Impairments

Students with sensory disabilities such as those who are blind, visually impaired, deaf, or hearing impaired often bring auxiliary aids and adaptive equipment to the classroom. While these aids assist in gaining access to the classroom; they do not ensure access. Learn more about planning for access in the classroom.

Teaching Students with Medical/Mobility Impairments

Medical impairments can be both visible and invisible, continual or episodic, and expressed in a wide variety of characteristics. Learn more about accommodating disabilities.

Guided Notes: Improving the Effectiveness of your Lectures

Lecturing is one of the most widely used teaching methods in higher education, but this format can present challenges for some students. Guided notes are a tool that follows the principles of Universal Design to enhance learning for all students.